02 December 2006

Back in the saddle again, with a little help...

I've been off the net a while again... sorry about that. I just completed my most recent PCS (yes, within 90 days of returning home from the CENTCOM AOR)to the D.C. area. Thankfully, someone has graciously offered some material to share.

Most of us have thought about trying to do something like this. If this guy actually pulled it off... well... fantastic...

"I had a friend (a disgruntled Major) who worked at TRADOC and was on the tail end of his career. Had been passed up for promotion to LTC and was the ultimate disgruntled major who toiled at TRADOC countless hours putting together PPT presentations for a very fickle GO. They would stay up 'til all hours working on a presentation, get it prepared, and then the GO would look at it and say something like, "I think the typestyle for the headers on these slides should be Helvetica Bold instead........" And thus, my disgruntled Major buddy and his cohorts would make the change and spend countless hours jumping through hoops to keep their superiors happy. This type of thing was a common occurence.
Well, when the time came around to update the office roster with names/title/phone numbers, etc., my friend updated his information to read, instead of "Major John Doe, Operations Officer" to read "Major John Doe, Slide Bitch".

He claims that no one caught his little joke and that it got published in the updated roster."


More to follow. I am sure the machinations in DC will provide plenty to talk about. If anyone else has any stories of disgruntlement they would like to share, feel free to send an Email.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir, I sent this email to the G3-TREX exercise planner today:


I did not see any mention in the coordinating draft about weapons/blank adapters/Oakley sunglasses/accidental blank discharges/etc.

Last exercise became a significant emotional event for our augmentees (XXth Brigade) and off-pen hosted unit (XXth AAMDC) personnel because they were not prepared for the tom-foolery of CP XXXXX and were harassed almost daily for not having the proscribed gear.

Would it be possible to place these special requirements under coordinating instructions or as part of an annex? I'm no fortune teller, but something tells me we're going to be wearing flak vests and knee/elbow pads in addition to the other distracters for this exercise.

Thank you.

I pushed "send" right before I logged off. I'm waiting on the retaliatory email beatdown tomorrow.

December 07, 2006 2:02 PM  
Blogger LDM Grand Poobah said...

Ouch... Let us know how that works out!

December 08, 2006 4:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No email or telephonic hazing, no tattle-tale backstabbing to my superiors like is common in my own branch...they simply cut me from their distro list.

Good riddance.

December 11, 2006 11:52 AM  
Blogger LDM Grand Poobah said...

Do not be disheartened...You are always welcome here.

December 11, 2006 7:06 PM  

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