19 October 2006

Army Strong...Very Little Disgruntlement here...

I watched the video for the new "Army Strong" campaign (thankfully replacing "Army of One") for the first time yesterday after reading about it in the Army Times. I gotta tell you, I like it. I still think "Be All You Can Be" was the best one I have ever known, but "Army Strong" is a pretty close second. If nothing else, the video is well done. It felt like I was watching the opening of a Jerry Bruckheimer film. I showed the video to my kids last night (ages 4 and 5) and they both asked to see it again tonight. Hopefully it will work as well on the Gen-X-Y-or-is-it-Z-now crowd as it does on the Dora the Explorer set. If nothing else, the Army can stick it in a can for about 14 years until the current crop of preschoolers is ready to graduate from high school. Personally, I think "Army Strong" is going to workout okay.

What do you think of the Army's new slogan? Post a comment or vote in the completely non-scientific poll below.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not unlike yourself, I really liked "Be all you can be" - a motto that is just as applicable to any life aspiration. However Army Strong is pretty compelling, particularly as it is delineated in the Army advertisement. Your kids may well follow their Dad into the military!! Here's hoping it is effective in portraying the challenges and the exceptional quality of those serving in today's Army! If you are young and talented and want the greatest career on earth, then a military path is the obvious life choice!! Do it!!!!!

November 19, 2006 8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The US known as the strongest military forces. Their military is decorated with modern equipment. They have military bases in all over the world. Houston military bases

April 23, 2018 11:08 AM  

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