19 October 2006

Army Strong...Very Little Disgruntlement here...

I watched the video for the new "Army Strong" campaign (thankfully replacing "Army of One") for the first time yesterday after reading about it in the Army Times. I gotta tell you, I like it. I still think "Be All You Can Be" was the best one I have ever known, but "Army Strong" is a pretty close second. If nothing else, the video is well done. It felt like I was watching the opening of a Jerry Bruckheimer film. I showed the video to my kids last night (ages 4 and 5) and they both asked to see it again tonight. Hopefully it will work as well on the Gen-X-Y-or-is-it-Z-now crowd as it does on the Dora the Explorer set. If nothing else, the Army can stick it in a can for about 14 years until the current crop of preschoolers is ready to graduate from high school. Personally, I think "Army Strong" is going to workout okay.

What do you think of the Army's new slogan? Post a comment or vote in the completely non-scientific poll below.